Monday, November 4, 2013

Character Design - Teacher

I started off some character design  As we know we have at least 3~4 character (girl, teacher, mom and principal) so I pick to start with the teacher

I imaged him some old guy, a bit creep, that is mad and annoyed with messy kids 

Have a look 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Time to Vote

Ok guys,

Thanks to everybody who took the time to submit an idea, some of you have really put in a lot of work. So thanks.

Please take the time to read through everybody's pitch, and pick your favorite idea(s).
We have comment boxes, so use it if it's not a simple matter of picking one idea.

Also, if you think your own idea is the best idea, then please pick it. Also probably consider how you could help in making the selected project become awesome. If you think it's a great idea, but it's not down your alley..then you probably wouldn't want to work on it. So pick an idea that you can get excited about.

#1 - Journey of The Egg by Michelle

#2 - Granny Story by Dave

#3 - Ode to the Animators  by Arif

#4 - Instant Karma by Arif

#5-  Light & Shadow by Dave

#6- Horn of the Sun by Lee  (Also check out his animatic )

#7- Uira Puru by Miguel

#8- Evolution of Gaming by Arif

#9- Blissful Sedation by Mark

#10- Creativity by Tim

Sunday, October 20, 2013

IDEA #10: Creativity - Tim

Hey guys heres some thumbnails I was working on there, dramatic increase in quality at the end but I'm sure it can get enough of an idea across. My idea was inspired by a TED talk by Ken Robinson on creativity, in it he tells the story of Gillian Lynne. This is slightly different and could change altogether aswell of course. 

So it's the 1930's in a primary school, a young girl sits in class bored as hell, fidgiting about and daydreaming - Her teacher sends her out of the classroom to the principals office, it's clearly happened before and her mother is called in - they meet at the office and the principal gestures to the mother to speak outside so the girl can't hear (no dialogue maybe?) - Girl sees the radio and turns it on she hears the sound of music, she jumps of her chair and begins to dance around the room (totally easy to animate right?) the adults look on in shock through the window and she in turn bow's to an imaginary audience that eventually pans out to show herself as an older successful ballet dancer (or jazz or something maybe?)

Also thought she could run away and join a circus and have a similar kind of ending. Not intending it to be black and white that's just laziness on my part*

(Full resolution, HERE)

IDEA #9 'Blissful Sedation' - Mark

Hey guys.

Here’s a rough beat board I have pitched a couple of weeks back about a girl who finds her drug addiction literally manifests into a creature which consumes her.

=Story Points=

1. The girl named Emi takes a shot of heroin in her dark and barely furnished apartment and starts developing hallucinogenic visions.

2. After she shoots, a black serpent emerges and takes form from the heated drugs and engulfs her in dark water before she can escape the room.

3. After she drowns, Emi finds herself floating in dark water which gradual becomes brighter.  The light starts to faze away her clothing and heal her scars.

4. In another dimension, Emi meets an angelic pelican which feeds her blood from its breast.  Emi is now reborn as a new entity.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

IDEA#8 : Evolution of Gaming- Incomplete - Arif Iqbal

First of all this is not my final post for the idea. I will change title when the post will be complete.

I am planning to edit this post as I add in stuff or delete by 18th this post will be complete that's a promise ;)

And if you guys are kind to add in some Idea to develop my script by 18th it will be awesome-

ok since i am not much of script guy I am doing this bit just to have an input, I want to animate :p. This is what motivated me, we will use same soundtrack:

In my proposal I am planning to do a short documentary on the evolution of gaming, well sort of.

these are the games-

from guinness book of world records top ten are written below (and in bracket i am suggesting the game i would like to work on)

1. tetris 1987- (packman)
2. super mario world- (1991)
3. street fighter 2- (1991)
4. super mario kart (1992)
5. grand theft auto (1997)
6. goldeneye 007 ( 1997)
7. legend of zelda: ocarina of time (1998)
8. Halo: Combat evolved (2001)
9. Resident Evil 4 (2005)
10. Final Fantasy XII (2006)

somewhere in that list I would like to add Mordern Warfare (probably replacing goldeneye)



steps for animated short:

first few seconds we have our production name and title and intro shot of an 80s style arcade shop and camera zooms in on an arcade machine until the music kicks in

then the ghosts from packman rolls in with packman following them followed by all the other characters from next games on list showing up doing their stuff. they can be different world's like the motivation video i posted on top of this post with actors from different game doing their usual stuff.

this will be added with every game will have some data showing up- for example when we will show character from street fighter 2 (example: ryu jumps on the pit does a hurricane kick and finishes sagat with a dragon punch) we can have interesting data like how SF2 changed game industry and how much it earned written on top like how the writing shows up on games (12 hit combo/ super power charged etc).

since the music is repeated music we can shorten the music and make the animation short as well. we can probably reduce it down to 2 minutes with credit and intro included.

audience: our audience is teenages aged 12- 26? mostly from youtube?

how do I picture it? since different games has different styles we have to merge all these games into one style so they are still recognizable and looks like part of one show. i picture it as something from samurai jack or dexters lab.

Samurai Jack

Dexters Lab

Star wars

this is it for now. ;)- I will add in more details to make it more clearer. ;)

- Arif.

IDEA #7 UIRA PURU - Miguel

Hello visitors and crew :)

Below you can have an idea for the style of all animation.. how I imagine it all. It is TOTALY flexible.

And the story is open for little changes.. i guess.. 

==== Here is my story ====

A young warrior was in love with the Indian tribal chief's daughter. He was a strong intelligent young man and the lady was pretty and delicate.

They fell helplessly in love with each other, although her father had already promised her in marriage to another warrior. From that point on, they started a hidden romance, even though she felt distressed with the situation and wanted to disclose it all to her father, fearing his reaction, since then he started to wonder and try to find out what's going on with his daughter...

One day it happened, the tribal chief found out and was furious. The chief, assisted by deities transformed the young man into a bird.

As a bird he sang to his beloved every day, this way helping her with her longing for him. When the tribal chief became aware of the singing, he summoned hunters to track him down. The little Indian girl

begged the bird to go away, to leave, First he did not want to but later gave in because if he stay there, he would end up dead, and that would really make her suffer.

After 7 moons, the chief decided to look for the bird and hunters to find out what happened, he went to the florest and in any direction he walked he could hear the sing of the bird. The chief got lost and never came back.

When the bird came back, he found the chief's tend burned and under ashes accesorkies that chief's daughther used to wear. Sad the little bird flew as high as he could untill he see his beloved transformed in clouds... for together fly free in the sky.

==== END ====

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monday, September 30, 2013

TEST SCENE: Character Concepts

Alright, character submissions are in:

1) The chosen designs by Michelle Henderson:

2) Design by Brian Burke 

This one was submitted before I came up with the brief.

3) Design by Tim Callister

"I was actually thinking of medieval Italian baker trying to defend his honor in the local town. It was a fun sketch"

4) Design by Miguel Filho:

IDEA #5: Light and Shadow by Dave Dekeyser

This is very undeveloped idea, I had a story at some stage but it wouldn't fit in a short 5 minute film. I do still like the idea for the world and the characters however, it just seems hard to try and create a short story around these characters that would fit in a short runtime.

Visual influence:

Saturday, September 28, 2013

IDEA #4: Instant Karma by Arif Iqbal


(sound file is incomplete but it can start as follows: )

 - in an establishing aerial shot we see a county side road in america, lot of forest and in the middle there is one road. title shows up and we see a jeep driving wrecklessly throwing beer can etc. on the road.
- it stops at one part and cam zooms in on the character and we see the guy walking inside the forest with a beer can in his hand.
 - [from sound] we see a horse eating grass and a fly is flying across to the swamp and sits on the head of an alligator which is in the swamp.
 - the guy walks in and being an asshole he shouts at the horse I DO THE ASS KICKING AROUND HERE! and starts to kick the horse. 1, 2 kicks
 - on his 3rd kick he misses it cause the horse moves and he falls in the water.
 - his head rises from water he is pissed! the horse looks at him and laughs.
 - the guy jumps out of the water and his legs and hands are getting into anticipation (like old tom and jerry where the character is running in the same place before he starts to chase)
 - before he can chase the alligator jumps from behind and eats him. [Hence Instant Karma]
 - and then the alligator laughs.



IDEA #3: Ode To Animators by Arif Iqbal

This is an ode to the animators

 - we see a guy flat on the floor, he's weak and struggling to get up.
- we see he grabs a pencil from a broken animation disk or could be part of table. he tries to get up but he crushes down on the floor again. [we can probably skip this part to make it short]
- we see his hand punches the ground in desperation and pencil, rubber or other animation utilities are flying in slow motion [ to show anger and desperation.]

- then we see a world of animators where exteriors are like animation tables, or camera tables etc and our protagonists animator friends are getting impaled by sharp pencils [ symbolic to animators who have struggled and fallen]
- then we see our protagonist finally standing up the unfinished part is we see an animation table [almost look like a terminator endoskeleton] and our animator will walk toward it and start to animate on the table. there will be a white flash [to leave the audience in uncertainty] in the end we will see the animation he did in a flipbook.

 THE CONCEPT: all animation starts slow and tough but the end result is always sweet.


Friday, September 27, 2013

IDEA #2: [EDIT] Granny who fights for the soul of her husband

I deleted the original pitch and replaced it with the story of the granny.

This project is really aimed to have a cool action piece at the centre, while the story serves the scene entirely. That also means that the story is entirely disposable, the main idea of the pitch is to have a ludicrous action sequence that would allow character designers , layout and animators to go crazy.

IN SHORT: A granny fights off a gigantic spaceship to save the soul of her husband.

WHY SHOULD THIS BE MADE (selling points)?
+ Character development for Main Character
+ Zombies, UFOs, Voodo, Spirits, you name it, we got it!
+ Opportunity to have fun with the designs of characters!
+ Animation can be pushed because it's not set in reality.

THEME:  Sometimes when you lose somebody, you become closer to them. They become a part of you. (That was my own experience anyway).

STORY (using the Pixar storytelling thing):

Once upon a time there was a granny that lived very secluded with her husband in a little house on the hills. She kind of lost the will to live, and every day for her was a grey day.

 Every day Granny is woken up by her husband since he always gets up really early to do some work on the field. The dog always ready at 6am at the door to go on an adventure with his master.

Until one day something crashes from the sky, granny doesn't care and continues to mope along. But the curious husband investigates. That evening when he gets home he's feeling a bit unwell, when granny wakes up he is still in bed but turned into a mindless zombie.

Because of that she is forced to leave the house (with him locked up) and goes to see what that thing was that landed. The crashed pod is now surrounded by mindless villagers.

Because of that she is forced to visit an old friend, an old woman that studies the occult. She seeks guidance from her. That crazy voodoo woman senses that all people in the village who came in contact with the pod have lost their souls, they are stored into the pod.

Granny needs to confront the alien from the pod and destroy him to release the souls and return her husband to normal.

 She confronts the alien and punches him out instantly…he's super weak.

[ANTICLIMAX] The spirits don't return to their hosts but instead fly up to the sky revealing a gigantic space ship. The crazy voodoo friend calls on her occult magic to call the spirits back…but a few have gone too far already (the spirit of granny's husband).

 Because of this… Granny explodes with energy as she knows she needs to get to the pace ship to get her husbands' soul back. This triggers the spirits to merge with granny..who now becomes SUPER GRANNY

Like superman she bends down her old legs and jumps up to the sky towards the spaceship for the final battle! until finally….I imagine the spirit of her husband sacrifices himself to save her but he used up so much energy he won't have the energy to return to his body.

He becomes part of her and she realizes that he'll always be with her.

 and ever since….Granny now wakes up everyday on the same time her husband used to, and tends the field.


Visual references:

I really inspired this on my own character designs. Visually I envision a mixture between French comics and animation from studio 4 degrees (Tekkinkonkreet) and Bill Plympton.

EDIT: Those sketches gave me the idea that perhaps the husbands' soul transforms into a katana blade that allows her to defeat the alien and free the souls.

IDEA #1: Journey of the Egg by Michelle Henderson

I guess this isn't a new idea but I thought I'd submit this as a possible story concept. Mark said a while back that it would maybe work as an animation but I know its a little different from the stuff we have been posting so far.

The setting/style whatever could be changed. I don't mind. Just wanted to put an idea forward I originally had another idea for the ending. The girl has fun spending time with her new friend but like all turtles, eventually he misses his family and wants to return to the ocean to find them (just like the girl misses her father). I thought that the girl and the turtle both set off together in a small row-boat to find them...but I wasn't sure how far it would actually go. But its all open to discussion anyway...